• Adaugă în coș

    Puii de bufnita

    Trei pui de bufnita, Nana, Nanu si Nic, se trezesc noaptea si descopera ca sunt singuri in cuib. Unde poate fi Mama Bufnita? Nana si Nanu, puii mai mari, fac tot felul de presupuneri, pentru ca, se stie, bufnitele sunt intelepte si ganditoare. Mama trebuie sa fie la vanatoare, spun ei, si o sa le aduca ceva bun. Dar cam intarzie. Daca s-o fi ratacit? Teama isi face loc in gandurile lor.

    39.00 lei
  • Chiri si Chiriri
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    Chiri si Chiriri

    Copii, biciclete si creioane colorate.

    O noua zi, o noua aventura! In aceasta carte, prima din seria „Chiri si Chiriri”, cele doua fetite pornesc pe biciclete la o plimbare prin padure. Unde vor ajunge si cu cine se vor intalni?

    31.00 lei
  • Puiu si Vulpoi. Petrecerea
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    Puiu si Vulpoi. Petrecerea

    Puiu si Vulpoi nu se inteleg intotdeauna, dar raman de fiecare data prieteni. Vulpoi are o fire calma: ii place sa citeasca, sa picteze si sa gateasca. Puiu este neastamparat, imprevizibil si intra mereu in bucluc. Cu umor si afectiune, Sergio Ruzzier imagineaza episoade amuzante din viata de zi cu zi a celor doi prieteni.

    35.00 lei
  • Nu ti-e somn
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    Nu ti-e somn, ursuletule?

    Pui de Urs nu poate sa adoarma. „Mi-e frica de intuneric”, spune el, desi intunericul din coltul Pesterii Ursilor in care isi are patutul nu-l impiedica sa se mai zbenguie putin. E adevarat, e intuneric in jur si mai ales afara. Nici cel mai mare felinar nu poate razbate in noapte. Ce-i de facut?

    36.00 lei
  • Imparatia fluturilor
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    Imparatia fluturilor

    Scrisa cu naturalete si simplitate, pe intelesul copiilor mici, in catrene la care se adauga scurte note in scenele ilustrate, cartea reuseste sa descrie prin imaginara imparatie a fluturilor un ciclu etern si esential al vietii: copiii se nasc, cresc iubiti de parinti si invata tot ce le e necesar pentru a fi in stare sa-si ia singuri zborul – cu aripile care le sunt daruite chiar de maretul Soare.

    39.00 lei
  • Veve si omul de zapada
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    Veve si omul de zapada

    E iarna si pentru veverita Veve ziua incepe perfect: a nins toata noaptea. Zapada e numai buna de joaca si sunt atatea de facut! Un om de zapada, de pilda. Dar are Veve tot ce-i trebuie?

    37.00 lei
  • Pisa si cartea de bucate
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    Pisa si cartea de bucate

    Pisica Pisa vrea sa invete sa gateasca si, daca-i vorba de invatat, ea stie ca o carte ii va fi intotdeauna de folos. Si unde te duci sa cauti o carte de bucate daca locuiesti in Padurea de stejar? La ghindobiblioteca, fireste, unde bibliobroscuta te va ajuta sa gasesti exact ce-ti trebuie.

    37.00 lei
  • Noapte buna
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    Noapte buna, domnule Zapacila

    Domnul Zapacila e cel mai plimbaret somnambul din oras, desi el habar n-are ca hoinareste pe strazi cand se lasa intunericul. Guit, porcusorul lui de Guineea, il urmeaza insa noapte de noapte.

    25.00 lei
  • Swimmy
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    O carte minunata, distinsa cu CALDECOTT HONOR, aflata in topul celor mai remarcabile carti pentru copii al American Library Association si aleasa cea mai buna carte ilustrata a anului de The New York Times.

    39.00 lei
  • Sarbatoarea fructelor
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    Sarbatoarea fructelor

    Fructe si natura- cat mai stim despre ele in ziua de azi, cand timpul petrecut de toti in casa s-a lungit considerabil? Stii, de exemplu, unde isi ascund capsunele semintele? Stii cine a inventat clementina? Dar cat traieste un portocal? Sau unde cresc nucile de caju?

    35.00 lei
  • Dear Zoo: Lift the Flaps Board book
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    Dear Zoo: Lift the Flaps Board book

    Young children will love lifting the flaps to discover the animals the zoo has sent- a monkey, a lion and even an elephant! But will they ever manage to send the perfect pet?

    39.00 lei
  • Giraffes Can't Dance Board Book
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    Giraffes Can’t Dance Board Book

    Gerald was a tall giraffe whose neck was long and slim,
    But his knees were awfully bandy and his legs were rather thin . . .

    39.00 lei
  • Noisy Dinosaurs (Noisy Touch-and-Feel Books)
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    Noisy Dinosaurs (Noisy Touch-and-Feel Books)

    Touch, feel and hear the noisy dinosaurs on every page of this interactive chunky board book, packed with bright photographs, tactile textures and exciting dinosaur roars!

    43.00 lei
  • The Adventures of Paddington: The Missing Marmalade Sandwich: A lift-the-flap book
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    The Adventures of Paddington: The Missing Marmalade Sandwich: A lift-the-flap book

    A charming lift-the-flap board book based on the animated TV series, The Adventures of Paddington!

    46.00 lei
  • Birds in a Book (UpLifting Editions)
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    Birds in a Book (UpLifting Editions)

    This unique gift book transforms into a decorative object, featuring ten beloved birds from around the world. Each bird is perched on a die-cut branch that you can “pop up” from the page. Simply take the jacket off, pop up the birds, and turn this book into a whimsical arrangement to display on a desk or shelf.

    67.00 lei
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar Board book
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    The Very Hungry Caterpillar Board book

    Eric Carles The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a perennial favourite with children and adults alike Its imaginative illustration and clever cutout detail charts the progress of a very hungry caterpillar as he eats his way through the week.
    #1 Best Seller in Children’s Books on Maths

    42.00 lei
  • Peepo! Board book
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    Peepo! Board book

    PEEPO! has become a classic for babies and toddlers. It follows a baby through the day in a style full of wit, charm and ingenuity. A series of holes peeping through to the next page leads the child on to the next stage in the day, giving a hint of what is to come. An original books that has long delighted young children – and their parents!

    42.00 lei47.00 lei
  • The Gruffalo
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    The Gruffalo

    Walk further into the deep dark wood, and discover what happens when a quick-witted mouse comes face to face with an owl, a snake… and a hungry Gruffalo!

    45.00 lei
  • My First Gruffalo Little Library Board book
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    My First Gruffalo Little Library Board book

    Perfect for small paws, The Gruffalo Little Library is part of the bestselling My First Gruffalo series for toddlers, featuring Mouse, Fox, Owl, Snake and the hungry Gruffalo!

    #1 Best Seller in Children’s Early Learning Books on Numbers & Counting.

    37.00 lei41.00 lei
  • Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy Board book
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    Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy Board book

    With unforgettable illustrations and a brilliant rhyming text, it’s a true delight to read aloud again and again. This new cased board book edition is the perfect size for little hands.

    39.00 lei43.00 lei
  • A Squash and a Squeeze Board book
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    A Squash and a Squeeze Board book

    #1 Best Seller in Children’s Books on Country & Farm Life

    Visit the farm in the brilliantly funny A Squash and a Squeeze, the first ever picture book written and illustrated by the unparalleled picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

    42.00 lei
  • First Facts Bugs Hardcover
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    First Facts Bugs Hardcover

    Find out facts about the incredible world of creepy crawlies in this first children’s book about bugs. Discover why bees make honey, how ants work as a team, and how some beetles actually glow in the dark! Then see what insects eat, and how they help to keep our planet healthy.

    43.00 lei48.00 lei
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar: A Pull-Out Pop-Up Hardcover
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    The Very Hungry Caterpillar: A Pull-Out Pop-Up Hardcover

    A bright and beautiful fold-out pop-up that follows the Very Hungry Caterpillar’s journey from tiny caterpillar to beautiful butterfly. Based on the classic picture book. This stylish concertina book is contained within a neat slipcase.

    36.00 lei40.00 lei
  • Dinosaur Lands (My First Search and Find) Board book
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    Dinosaur Lands (My First Search and Find) Board book

    From the Tyrannosaurus rex to Velociraptors, the Spinosaurus to Triceratops, Dinosaurs is a large board book, with beautiful illustrations by Neiko Ng, jam-packed with dinosaurs!

    54.00 lei61.00 lei
  • Room on the Broom Board book
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    Room on the Broom Board book

    A very funny story of quick wits and friendship, Room on the Broom is another smash hit from the unparalleled picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo.

    45.00 lei48.00 lei
  • The Rainbow Fish Board book
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    The Rainbow Fish Board book

    The award-winning book about a beautiful fish who finds friendship and happiness when he learns to share is now available in a board book edition for the youngest child.

    46.00 lei51.00 lei
  • The Smartest Giant in Town
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    The Smartest Giant in Town

    George wished he wasn’t the scruffiest giant in town. So when he sees a new shop selling giant-sized clothes, he decides it’s time for a new look: smart trousers, smart shirt, stripy tie, shiny shoes. Now he’s the smartest giant in town . . .

    38.00 lei42.00 lei
  • Placinta cu cirese - Editia a doua
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    Placinta cu cirese – Editia a doua

    „Placinta cu cirese” povesteste noile aventuri ale soriceilor Ront si Rontuna, eroii nemaipomenitelor intamplari istorisite in cartea „O familie vesela”.

    43.00 lei
  • Leul din biblioteca
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    Leul din biblioteca

    E un leu in biblioteca si nimeni nu stie ce sa faca. Exista o regula despre pastrarea linistii si exista o alta regula despre alergat, care e interzis. Dar nu exista nicio regula despre lei!

    39.00 lei
  • Adaugă în coș

    1 oaie… 2 oi… 3 oi… Rasfoieste 1 oaie… 2 oi… 3 oi…

    „Ia numara tu oile!” Ii spune mama, ajunsa la capatul rabdarii. Marius e un baietel ascultator, se pune imediat pe numarat.

    29.30 lei